Access remote computer and control it via internet using Teamviewer :
Teamviewer is one the mostly used remote access software . Here the both the machines participating in connection need to download and install the Teamviewer application . There should also a high speed broadband internet connection . It is mainly used for online technical support and file transfer . After installation it generates a username and password that can be used connect both sides .Teamviewer can run as a Windows service or Windows application . In Windows service mode it generates a new password at each event of connection . Windows service is mode is best suited for servers and situations where there is no one on the remote side . There will be a permanent password so that remote machine can be controlled even before boot login . After connection you can select to create a new session . There is remote control or support ,presentation ,file transfer and VPN modes . The VPN connection if used provides extra security during remote file transfer and control .
Download Teamviewer.
The full help of creating a remote Teamviewer connection to remote PC is available with this download.
Control remote computer through internet using Logmein :
Logmein free edition is very limited in functions .But the pro versions have unlimited remote control and support options .They even have an iPhone app to access PC or Macintosh machines on the go . The both machines should have Logmein installed and themselves added the account during download . Here the remote internet control of the two computers is done though a web interface .Full help to configure Logmein for Windows is available via this help guide . The application will be full version for the first 2 hours of connection or 30 days.
Make sure that you share your desktop to an authorized service personal or the one whom you trust .
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