Monday, June 21, 2010

Sony’s PS3 at $199.99 — A “Budget” Version or A Mistake?

Sony's PS3 at $199.99 — A "Budget" Version or A Mistake?

I visited Sony's new 3D website because of the recent Playstation Move buzz. And then randomly surfing through the site, I was surprised to see the listing of PS3, with only $199.99 price tag!

I tried scrolling it down and, on the bottom of the page, included in the "3D-Compatible Products", beside the categories "HDTV" and "Home Theater", is a picture of Sony's Playstation 3 with a caption "starts at $199.99". Amazing!

At first, I thought it was a mistake, but MaxConsole noted it as well, and said that it was possible. It could be a mistake, a typographical error, or a price reduction that is scheduled weeks or months from now that someone mistakenly posted.

It was so surprising because no one is expecting a sale on any of the gaming consoles in the market, but considering that Sony is up against two big companies like Nintendo and Microsoft with their gaming consoles on a cheaper price, it is possible that Sony is making a marketing strategy to get the consumer's attention and came up with a more affordable version of their PS3.

ps3 sony Sony's PS3 at $199.99    A

With Microsoft Xbox 360 elite that costs $300 and the Nintendo Wii and Microsoft's entry-level Xbox 360 Arcade pricing at $200, Sony should really come up with a gaming console that could compete with these consoles in terms of their prices.

Sony's Playstation 3 price ranges from about $300-$500 depending on their memory storage. Though Sony offers better value on a spec-to-spec basis, it does not have an entry-level that could stand against its competitors in terms of affordability, especially with the psychological mindset of the people regarding the "price tag for price tag" comparison.

Sony could probably be releasing a "budget" version of the PS3 with reduced memory from 120GB to 60GB or 80GB, without the controllers and the composite video, but that could not cover the big price slash. I was thinking that they could also take away the Blu-ray drive but that won't do because PS3 is dependent on Blu-ray. Though none of these are most likely to happen, considering that Sony is losing more profit from their struggle to align their high-end consoles in the mass market.

Could it really be a mistake, or a marketing strategy?

Friday, June 11, 2010

iTunes Vs Google Music: The Music Evolution on Internet

iTunes Vs Google Music: The Music Evolution on Internet

Recently, Google revealed its plan to release comparable software against that of Apple's iTunes. With this development, what more to say about the changes that will take place soon in the current software features that iTunes offer to millions of its users?

Ever got frustrated with how you are currently managing your music, photos and movie libraries? Well, I do get frustrated. But I guess we need not worry more because Google Music release seems to be a better way of taking care of your data, thanks to the rivalry between the two (Apple and Google).

Apple iTunes Vs Google Music

Though there are many doubts if the search giant will really release this software, the recent acquisition of Simplify Media, a startup that provides software for you to share your iTunes and Windows Media Player with a number of devices, applications and platforms without the need of synchronizing or tethering.

Furthermore, the official Google Music logo is now available via Google domain, though not yet listed on their press site.

Vic Gundotra, Google's vice president shared that Simplify's technology will be utilized to power a new application for desktop that will allow a quick access to media on Android devices. Moreover, the songs that you download will automatically be available on your Android without going through the trouble of tethering or syncing.

itunes google music iTunes Vs Google Music: The Music Evolution on Internet

Now if you think that this kind of approach is somewhat already familiar with what iTunes is already undergoing, well it is. Rumors have it that Apple is also working on a new technology that will allow users to upload an entire iTunes media library without having to tether your device on a computer.

Dubbed as cloud iTunes, it will let you cohesively use the music that you purchased on iTunes or other songs that you imported. If this is already possible you will be able to stream songs to any Apple iTunes device, like iPhones, iPods, iPads, Apple TVs, Mac Computers and Windows. This will require however a different license agreement between the music industry and Apple which so far has not been heard of yet.

One of the many rumors that Apple is also developing is the service called iTunes Replay that will let you stream movies to your 1080p Apple TV.

Despite all the doubts in clouding, we can all tell that Google will be entering the music industry with a bang. And with the rivalry that is definitely feeling its way between the two technology giants we can only hope for the better and easier data management soon.

Streaming Netflix on Wii

Netflix is a service offering online flat rate DVD and Blu-ray disc rental-by-mail and video streaming in the United States. It is estimated to have amassed a collection of 100,000 titles and approximately 10 million subscribers.

This company has more than 55 million discs and, on average, ships 1.9 million DVDs to customers each day. The company provides a monthly flat-fee service for the rental of DVD and Blu-ray movies.The procedure that a subscriber has to follow to avail the services of this company is that the subscriber creates an ordered list, called a rental queue, of movies to rent.

How does Netflix work? After the payment, the movies are delivered individually via the United States Postal Service from an array of regional warehouses. Netflix also offers internet video streaming to eligible subscribers, enabling the viewing of films directly on a PC or TV at home. Internet video streaming comes free with Netflix's regular subscription service. The thing that happens is that the video is streamed to the user using standard PC hardware, and requires Microsoft's Silverlight software to be installed on that PC.

Streaming Netflix on Wii

Again, as we all know, Wii is one of the most famous video gaming consoles in the world, brought to you by Nintendo. Even when there is stiff competition from other gaming consoles like the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, the Wii has emerged to be one of the best selling consoles not just in the United States, but all over the world. Nintendo claims to have shipped as many as 70.93 million units worldwide. So we can safely conclude that there are a lot of Wii users in the world.

Now comes the exciting part. The latest development is that both these companies are coming together. Now Wii users can watch movies and TV shows streamed from Netflix on their Wii console. And this is not a limited offer. Users can use this facility as often as they want to as long as the Wii user has a membership with Netflix, which is available at as low as 8.99 dollars per month.

netflix wii thumb Streaming Netflix on Wii Any Wii user just needs to go to to start a free trail.

All Nintendo Wii consoles are able to connect to the internet as long as they are connected to a broadband internet connection, so any Wii user will be able to avail this service in a very hassle free manner. Another way that Wii owners can start availing this service is that they need to put in a request for a free streaming disc, which will be sent to them by Netflix themselves. The request can be put in by the user at the official site of Netflix. The discs are sent out to the user after about one to two working days after the request and they are sent using first class postage.

The only drawback that this service has is that Wii users only in the United States of America can avail to this service. Others all over the world will have to wait in the mean time and expect that Netflix give them the opportunity in the near future to avail this outstanding service.

iPhone 4 Has Wi-Fi Enabled, Two-Way Video Call Feature

The web is buzzing with iPhone 4 news. The latest iPhone 4 has once again left an impressive mark with its camera in front not just for capturing pictures, but also enabling you to make video calls.

Say goodbye to the old fashioned two-way call and say hi to Apple's FaceTime! This now allows a face to face contact with family and friends while talking over the iPhone 4.

Calls with videos are already known even before the release of iPhone 4 but it was made famous by HTC EVO 4G-Sprint. Moreover, Apple makes video call work even better.

iphone 4 apple iPhone 4 Has Wi Fi Enabled, Two Way Video Call Feature

Spontaneous use had FaceTime to the next level. What's good with iPhone 4 is the 2 way video chatting that is user-friendly. Simply do a regular phone call and change mode to video-call with a single finger tap.

FaceTime is usable anytime, anywhere. You may do a face-to face video call using the front camera and if you like to let your buddy see your surroundings use the rear camera. Video recording of the primary camera is capable of HD 720p quality but not yet for HD video calling.

iphone 4 photo iPhone 4 Has Wi Fi Enabled, Two Way Video Call Feature

It is not only simply live streaming that FaceTime can offer, the software has an automatic change view from portrait to landscape mode. This depends upon how you handle your iPhone 4. It is really amazing to have a live chat switch from one mode to another based on how you tilt your iPhone. Well, when showing yourself plus the good scenery behind you, landscape view suits it and for regular two-way video chatting or more intimate talking use portrait mode.

Apple iPhone 4 FaceTime calling, functions only when a wireless network is available ( its Wi-Fi enabled). You need not to worry much since there are many Wi-Fi areas to be able to connect with iPhone 4 FaceTime. Live stream calls are now made possible and better with Apple's FaceTime. This is exciting!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Controlling Network Traffic & Response with NetBalancer

Controlling Network Traffic & Response with NetBalancer

If you are looking for a simple, free and easy to use application to control how much traffic your computer is allocating to applications, look no further than NetBalancer.

NetBalancer allows you to prioritize how bandwidth should be distributed among applications. You specify whether you want to give an application Low, Normal, or High priority and set a Limit for them, if necessary.

The Free version allows you to set rules for up to 5 different applications, which is usually more than enough. For my case, it's managing my Browser, Bit Torrent speed and a few of my online games (which naturally gets High to ensure absolutely minimum lag when playing).

Although not very powerful compared to other solutions, its a very simple, and most importantly FREE, way to set up your computer so that downloading doesn't choke other applications on your computer.

However the limitation is that this app only works on the computer it's installed in. It does absolutely nothing for other computers on the network. For those facing problems with bandwidth hogging housemates, you will need to look into router-level QoS settings, which is a whole different beast alltogether.

If you have 5 minutes, download the app now, set up a few rules and you won't have to bother about having to pause downloads if you want to stream video or music ever again.

Download YouTube Videos to Your Mac

Download YouTube Videos to Your Mac

YouTube is great for watching comedy, news and entertainment clips online. The success of the Google-owned video sharing site has mobilized wannabe news anchors and spawned the latest journalism craze, "Citizen Journalism".

In fact, the success of the site has made prominent news channels like CNN introduce their own "citizen journalism" programs, and forced many news networks and cable channels to embrace the social revolution by creating their own channels on the site.

However, one critical missing feature of YouTube is the ability to download videos off the site, to watch at a later time. So today I'm going to list a few easy methods to get YouTube videos off the site and on your desktop. You can then use a free video converter application to convert the video to iPod or mobile phone formats, and take your favorite YouTube channels with you wherever you go!

Wondershare Free YouTube Downloader for Mac

A stylish app that allows you to manage your very own "YouTube Library", Wondershare's YouTube downloader is quick, stylish, and free.

The GUI is well-designed, with a very "iTunes-like" interface that will make Mac fans feel right at home. To download a video, simply search for it via the "search" tab in the sidebar. When you start the app, it immediately searches for and lists a few notable YouTube videos you might be interested in.

youtube mac Download YouTube Videos to Your Mac

One minor problem I have with the app is that the "converter" tool is not free; you have to purchase the corresponding conversion software from Wondershare if you wish to change a YouTube video from the standard .flv (Flash video file) to something more usable.

Thus, to play .flv files, you can easily do so using VLC Media Player. To convert them, give Handbrake a try — it's an awesome app for converting and ripping DVDs and a host of other formats — including .flv — to preset options like PSP, iPod, Apple TV and Zune, to name a few.

To get Wondershare Free YouTube Downloader for Mac, click here (direct link)

Do you have a better method of grabbing YouTube files? Drop a line in the comments and let us know!

Market Demand for the iPad Grows Stronger

Even though it's been days since Google I/O conference where Google's attacks on Apple are getting serious, there has been a tremendous wave of positive news about the iPad.

In fact, the success of Apple iPad is so amazing (We've said it so many times) that recent analysis reports revealed that Apple is selling more iPads than Apple Macs every day. Not only that, the level of sales that the iPad has and is generating is nearing that the level of sales for the iPhone.

ChangeWave recently released a report stating that the pattern of increasing demand for the iPad is going to continue. The report is based on a survey of more than 3,000 consumers and second study made up of 153 new buyers of the iPad.

apple ipad pic Market Demand for the iPad Grows Stronger

ChangeWave's report shows that 16% of the e-reader market already owns an iPad. That's certainly what Apple iPad was targeting and has been successful! The pre-launch survey showed that 4% of the consumers will Very Likely purchase an iPad and that 9% will somewhat likely purchase one. The new survey, however, showed that 7% of the participants will very likely get an iPad and another 13% are somewhat likely going to buy one.

Out of those who recently purchased this tablet from Apple, ChangeWave got a sample group of 153 new iPad owners. Out of these 153 people, 73 respondents said that they are very satisfied with their iPad. This result for the level of satisfaction for the users of the tablet is already coming up close to the level of satisfaction for iPhone users.

Also, IDC published their prediction that 7.6 million media tablets will be sold this year. This figure may go up supporting reports that reveal more positive news for Apple. As media tablets are developed, more applications for these devices will evolve as well and it follows that consumers will now see these items as must-have gadgets.

Mike Abramsky, an RBC market analyst forecasts that iPad's sales will reach the 8 million mark this 2010. This is 3 million more than what they previously indicated. He continues by saying that Apple is selling more than 200,000 iPad's a week. This is more than the number for when Mac's were released years ago. It's iPad everywhere!

How to install a .bin File in Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one among the most popular Linux distros. And best of all its free and open source operating system. Based on Debian, Ubuntu does not execute .bin files.

Hence installing a .bin application in Ubuntu requires you to execute it via the Terminal. Using the Terminal we can change the .bin file so that Ubuntu can execute it.

terminal cd desktop How to install a .bin File in Ubuntu

Here is an attempt to show you how to easily install .bin file in Ubuntu. The steps involved are:

1. Download the .bin file and store it in anywhere you want. I recommend the Desktop, as it is easy to navigate through the Terminal.

2. Now fire up the Terminal window (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and navigate to the folder where you have stored the file by using the cd command. For example, if your file is stored on the Desktop you need to type cd Desktop (The commands and filenames are case-sensitive).

Now your Terminal code will change to something like this – user@user-desktop:-/Desktop$

Similarly, you can navigate to other locations by using cd location.

3. Once you have navigated to the required location, type ls to list the files in that directory and note down the exact file name of your .bin file.

4. Type sudo chmod +x filename.bin. This command permits Ubuntu to execute the file. It will ask for your password. Enter the password and hit Enter.

5. Now type ./filename.bin. The .bin file will start installing from within the terminal. Just follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Once the installation is completed, close the terminal window.

That's it! You have successfully installed the .bin file.

Checking your Facebook Privacy Setting the Secure Way

Checking your Facebook Privacy Setting the Secure Way

The issue of the Facebook's privacy has been ongoing for several days now. The privacy setting in your account could be broken and once you get annoyed you file a report to Facebook. However, they cannot just as easily solve everyone's problems.

You want to make sure that your account's privacy setting is secured but Facebook has created a lot of pages which you need to fix to ensure that all the bases are covered. However, it is very much possible that you may have missed updating certain settings. Facebook's labyrinth world has made it impossible for the not-so tech savvy user not to miss some key points in securing their privacy settings.

facebook privacy Checking your Facebook Privacy Setting the Secure Way

Now, there is a faster and more efficient way to check your Facebook account. It is a website that serves as a Facebook privacy scanner engine. To be more specific, the tool is called ReclaimPrivacy. This is very simple to use, just log on to and search for the link that says Scan for Privacy. Use that link in your bookmark feature in your browser.

Next, go to your Facebook account and click on the link that you bookmarked. You will then see that ReclaimPrivacy will run on top of your Facebook page. It will only take a few seconds for this tool to scan the 6 sectors of crucial privacy concerns inside your Facebook account. You will then know how secure your Facebook account is.

ReclaimPrivacy scans your personal information and your personalization settings. Most importantly, it also analyzes the settings that determine what information the people in your Facebook network unconsciously share about you.

ReclaimPrivacy has a ranking system for the report about your account's security and privacy settings. You get a green for good or safe setting, yellow for cautionary areas and red for the unsecured areas. If you get a yellow or a red, the tool will help you by giving you specific steps on how to fix the problematic areas.

Things to know Before Jailbreaking Apple iPad

Things to know Before Jailbreaking Apple iPad

iPad Jailbreaking is the process that allows iPad users to use any software code on their device instead of being restricted on what is available on the App Store. Since Apple's App Store is strict in making the apps available for download in the app store, jailbreaking can be helpful!

Often times many Apple users find quality software that gets denied making it difficult for them to enjoy their Apple devices fully. That being said, the Apple's latest device - iPad has recently been jailbroken and since iPad has faster hardware and acts as a "3rd device" makes it the best jailbroken device compared to any other Apple device. If you have doubts on which applications will be safe for your device, the user-and-developer-updated compatibility lists will help you see what's okay with your device.

apple ipad1 Things to know Before Jailbreaking Apple iPad

Many of the applications that didn't make to Apple's App Store usually make their way into Cydia, the jailbroken installer. There are plenty of applications, programs and extensions available in Cydia that you can download to your advantage and entertainment, what's more is that many of the full applications available through Cydia are free unlike what's on the App Store.

What has the Apple iPad Evolved Into?

A lot of iPad users are reluctant to have their devices jailbroken mainly because of fears of sacrificing stability and speed. But since most jailbreak softwares are stable, many disregard Apple's recommendations anyway. Also, chances are that any software that allows you to run third party programs in the background will most probably affect your device's performance.

But by all means if jailbreaking your device means less stability, which is never proven in the first place, then take note of the difference between having certain software on your phone over your iPad. Since iPad is projected to be more of a computer rather than a phone, it makes jailbreaking more enjoyable than ever.

apple ipad book Things to know Before Jailbreaking Apple iPad

Before installing anything through Cydia check on the Google Docs Spreadsheet created by iPhone development team member MuscleNerd. If you follow this list, then you won't have to worry about having troubles with your Device.

Recommended Jailbreak Apps for your Ipad

There are hundreds of amazing jailbreak programs available for both iPhone and iPad that you can find in Cydia. You can also check out our top apps.

One of the best would be the Notifier, a little extension that lets you save icons into your status bar for you to easily check new mail and messages. Another one will be the SBSettings, a small panel of controls that slides down from the status bar together with other applications. And lastly the Backgrounder an application that lets you listen to Pandora while working on other application.

Major Internet Threat: Poisoned PDF Files and How to Protect Your Computer

pdf corrupted Major Internet Threat: Poisoned PDF Files and How to Protect Your ComputerReports from several major security companies show that corrupt or poisoned PDF files are now in the list of internet security threats. These suspicious files have increased in numbers in 2009 and made up a staggering 49% of all attacks in the Internet.

This percentage increased from 11%, second only to the corrupt PDF files is the Internet Explorer browser flaw.

So how does a normal attack happen?

Internet hijackers get into a legitimate site by inserting a poisoned PDF file to a link that masquerades as a social media ad or spam comments in a blog. Even the most tech and internet-savvy user can be fooled. They end up clicking that link then downloading and opening the bad file.

The threat is inside a PDF file. It comes in the form of a malware that opens and automatically installs by opening the PDF file. This was discovered by Didier Steven, and he also found that the Internet attackers fool unsuspecting users.

This web-based attack is extremely dangerous as it is built to take over the standards of PDF programs. This means that it not only attacks Adobe Readers but PDF readers as well. Even new and up-to-date versions are not safe.

The creators of the Zeus Trojan horse viral software are already using the same techniques to propagate their software.

How to Protect Your Computer against PDF Virus

Don't fret as you can fight this form of web-based attack. Go to Preferences option in your Adobe Reader. Click on Trust Manager and uncheck the option for "Allow Opening of Non-PDF file attachments with external Applications".

You can also opt to use the latest version of the Foxit PDF reader. It has a new safe reading feature which can be found in the Trust Manager section in Preferences. This special feature blocks the embedded programs from opening or installing.

foxit reader Major Internet Threat: Poisoned PDF Files and How to Protect Your Computer

Also, the most common attacks from these poisonous PDF files happens to users of Adobe PDF, you can avoid an attack by using an alternative version of the PDF program. Opt to use the latest versions as well. The internet hijackers have already mastered the ins and outs of the basics functions of the Adobe PDF programs and PDF readers that the older versions are surely not safe from the threat. In fact, when the threat first occurred, Foxit was not able to prevent it and these bad programs continued to run. Adobe and Foxit are now continually making more security measures to combat this web-based attack.

As a last note, make sure that you have a great anti-virus program installed in your computer. You can check out the best free antivirus programs we have mentioned. When it comes to the web, make sure you know what you're doing .

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How HP Watch Phone Technology is Being Used With US Military

How HP Watch Phone Technology is Being Used With US Military

Watch Phones are fancy and of course, the better ones are unrealistic item often seen movies or on television, but now they are being projected by HP, developed with the newest technology.

The United States Military considers the newest project a positive reinforcement that watchphones are indeed beneficial for our near future. Their soldiers can benefit while in the fields from using the watchphones.

The HP Military Watch Phone

Features such as display maps will be available on the watchphones and they have been compared to the Android Layers app. The watchphone will be covered with a plastic, flexible screen, preventing military soldiers from breaking them while out on the field. One innovative option the watch phone will be designed to do is allow soldiers to call their base for help. Now soldiers can have a little more security knowing they can reach help faster, especially if they are alone.

hp watch phone How HP Watch Phone Technology is Being Used With US Military

Since soldiers may be in battle for long periods, they will feel comfort in knowing their watch phone has a backup plan for dead batteries. Batteries are actually non-existent in the watchphones. No more dead calls as these watchphones will be powered by the sun.

The flexible panels are designed to work with solar cells, eliminating the need for batteries onboard the watchphone. Although this technology may seem new to the general population, HP has been working on this project since 2000. New developments are being used to process the watches.

The protocols will not be hidden under researcher's hands for much longer. Information will slowly leak out and reach laptop computers and e-readers before HP knows it. The newest form of this technology will be established in stores as price tags that can be adjusted electronically. They certainly are creative phones but there are a lot of unexplored questions that can only be answered when we see this HP Watch phone technology implemented realistically

Top Jailbroken apps For iPhone, iPod. Four Best Jailbreaking Apps!

Out of all the awesome Jailbroken apps available for the Apple users in general, we picked up four iPhone, iPod apps and added it to the list of best jailbraking apps for iPhone.

So here is an quick overview of some of the top jailbroken apps for iPhone and Apple iPod touch. Feel free to let us know your preferred jailbroken apps for iPhone..

What's Jailbreaking though? Jailbreaking is a simple process that allows iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch users to run any code on their devices, as opposed to only that code authorized by Apple. Once the device is jailbroken, iPhone users are able to download many applications previously unavailable through the App Store via unofficial installers such as Cydia, as well as pirated apps.

iphone ipod touch thumb Top Jailbroken apps For iPhone, iPod. Four Best Jailbreaking Apps!

But this does not limit that particular phone to stop using the applications made available to the user by Apple itself. A jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch is still able to use and update apps downloaded and purchased from Apple's official App Store. It is just a way that enables you to use applications that are not allowed by Apple, and leaves the functioning of your phone same as before.

Also, Jailbreaking — according to Apple, voids Apple's warranty on the device, although this is quickly remedied by restoring the device in iTunes. Lets have a look at some of the top Jailbroken Apps available for iPhone and iPod touch users.

iPod Touch 5-Row Keyboard App

The virtual keyboard on the iPod Touch is like a double edged sword for me. On one hand, it's very responsive and does its job ably. On the other, it can be cumbersome to use, having to flip through a separate keyboard to enter numbers and special characters.

iphone jailbroken 5 row keyboard thumb Top Jailbroken apps For iPhone, iPod. Four Best Jailbreaking Apps!

A simple application recently released for jailbroken iPod Touch units replaces the default keyboard of the device and turns it into a 5-row interface.Numbers appear as the default characters on the additional row. When you hit shift, the numbers will turn to other commonly used characters, such as a comma, an exclamation point and a question mark. For so simple a change, it turns your iPod Touch into a truly capable device to type on, whether you're entering information on your playlist or crafting an email to friends.

GPS phone iPhone App

A lot of people get confused with this app, to make it clear this is not the Global Positioning System app. If you are a fan of the old school gameboy, then this application is for you – this jailbroken app is actually a 'gameboy' emulator.

gps iphone app thumb Top Jailbroken apps For iPhone, iPod. Four Best Jailbreaking Apps!

The application allows you to run ROMs for the game boy gaming system. All the people who used to love the old school pokemon games will really like this application.

Qik iPhone App

This is one of the best live streaming services that is available on the net. This service has recently become available for jail broken iphones, along with other compatible handsets.

qik iphone jailbreak app thumb Top Jailbroken apps For iPhone, iPod. Four Best Jailbreaking Apps!

Using this application, the user can mute the direct broadcast, set specific privacy settings, send alerts to twitter at any time, hide your chat account, set the stream title as well as allow qik to see the current location of the user.

Winterboard iPhone App

Some users of the iphone are a bit disappointed that there is very little scope for the user of an iphone to customize the device. The only option that the user has to customize is the changing of the lock-screen wallpaper. This is where winterboard comes in and it is, without a doubt, a fabulous application!

winterboard iphone app thumb Top Jailbroken apps For iPhone, iPod. Four Best Jailbreaking Apps!

Using this application, the user has access to thousands of compatible themes for customizing the background of the device, customize icons, bars, keyboards, alert buttons, battery images, and much more.

Best Samsung Blu-Ray Players

First, there was the VCR, then came the Compact Disc, after that emerged the DVD, and now the latest entrant into the world of external dbluray disc icon Best Samsung Blu Ray Playersata storage devices is the blu ray. The blu ray disc, also known as BD or just blu-ray, is the new and familiar thing in the market which has been designed to supersede the standard DVD format.

Its main uses are for storing high-definition video, PlayStation 3 video games, and other data, with up to 25 GB per single layered, and 50 GB per dual layered disc.

And as the blu-ray has gained popularity, a lot of companies have come up with these high-end blu-ray players but one of the leading companies is Samsung and that being said, let's check out some of the best Samsung Blu Ray Players.

Samsung BD-C7500 Blu Ray Player

This is one of the best blu-ray players available in the market today. Though this is sold only in the United States, if you want a good quality blu-ray player, getting one for yourself from there will not be a big problem. The BD profile of this product is that of BD-Live, version 2.0.

Samsung BD C7500 bluray thumb Best Samsung Blu Ray Players

If we talk about media, this device reads mainly BD-ROMs, although the information if this device can read and write CDs and DVDs is not available yet.

This device though, does not read the blu-ray 3D and is not portable. It has a 1080p video resolution and has 24 frames per second speed. Talking about video playback, this player supports MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) and VC-1 formats, and in audio playback, it supports a variety of formats, which include Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital+, Dolby True HD, Dolby TrueHD (bitstream) and so on.

It also has Ethernet and wireless connectivity. Internet services are available and internet networks on Samsung BD-C7500 include Netflix, Pandora, Twitter, USA Today and a lot more. Overall, this is a nice player to own if you are a part of the whole blu-ray revolution.

Samsung BD-C6500 Blu Ray Player

Another good bet, when you are looking to buy a high end blu-ray player. Also sold in the United States, this also has a BD profile of BD-Live, version 2.0. Again, this device is mainly made to read BD-ROM. The video resolutions and the frames per second speed are the same as the Samsung BD-C7500.

Samsung BD C6500 bluray thumb Best Samsung Blu Ray Players Again, talking about the video playback, the player supports MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) and VC-1 formats and in audio playback, it supports formats like Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital+, and so on. This blu ray player has features very much similar to the BD-C7500 model, and so is a good buy as well.

Samsung BD-P3600 Blu Ray Player

Last but not the least, the Samsung BD-P3600 device has almost the same features as the above mentioned models and deserves to be in this list. One advantage of this device is that it is confirmed that it has a compatible DVD-ROM and a CD-ROM.

Samsung BD P3600 bluray thumb Best Samsung Blu Ray Players Also, it has video resolutions of 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 576p, 480p and DVD up conversion of 1080p, 1080i, 720p. The video and audio playback features are almost the same as the above mentioned models, although along with wireless and Ethernet connectivity, it also had usb compatibility, with usb version 2.0, although internet services are not confirmed. Taking the added features into account, this model is as good a bet to buy as the other two.

Everything You Need in the New HTC EVO 4G, Check It out!

HTC developed yet another great product with their HTC EVO 4G which comes second to the HTC Droid Incredible smartphone. It uses a combination of impressive specs and a stylish design but the drawback would be the limited 4G connectivity.

Here is a quick overview for on what's in store with the New HTC EVO 4G from Sprint.

HTC Evo 4G Sprint Everything You Need in the New HTC EVO 4G, Check It out!HTC 4G has Minimalist Design

Even the packaging of the HTC EVO 4G is minimal for in its tofu-like box comes nothing else but a Micro-USB cable, a USB wall charger, a 1500mAh battery, and an 8GB MicroSD card.

This unit is slightly larger than a traditional smartphone measuring 4.8 by 2.6 by 0.5 inches with its 4.3-inch WVGA touch screen, glossy black bezel, and blood-red detailing.

4G Technology At Its Best Usage

As of now, there are limited areas where 4G technology works, making some HTC EVO 4G features unworkable, but if you are in a 4G enabled area then you will be able to use voice and data simultaneously and this is a very convenient feature for you can easily surf the web and not get disconnected should a phone call be received.

Rich Multimedia Experience

The confirmed HTC EVO 4G has a relatively large display that sadly the Sense music player does not take advantage of. While the player is in the Now Playing mode it remains to be the size of a thumbnail although the Sense player is indeed a good step from the Android player.

sprint htc evo Everything You Need in the New HTC EVO 4G, Check It out!

The audio is good and it can support a whole range of audio not to mention video formats and when you are on YouTube you could easily make use of the HQ function which allows you to view videos with a better quality setting.

Solid HTC Hardware And Performance

When it comes to its 3G capabilities, I have nothing but to praise HTC 4G as even the rich multimedia pages loaded very quickly. Every phone call was clear all throughout as well. The HTC EVO 4G provides a sense of much improvement not only for the Android platform but the 4G network as well, but this unit may be much too advanced considering how limited 4G is in the United States at this time.

On the other hand, the HTC EVO 4G is a great device overall with its solid hardware not to mention its multimedia capabilities and other great features.

The Mactini – A Glimpse Into The Future Of Computer Technology

The Mactini – A Glimpse Into The Future Of Computer Technology

The world's smallest computer with only one button

The Mactini

Forget Netbooks. Apple has redefined the meaning of portability with it's upcoming product, The Mactini. With it's super ultra portable size, your computing experience will be like never before. It is the future of portable computers… Not! This is not true. Don't fall for my cheap selling skills.

It's actually a hilarious sketch from The Peter Serafinowicz Show, that was aired on BBC 2 as a Christmas Special in the year 2008. In this sketch, Peter Serafinowicz the "Apple guy John" demonstrates the working of the impossibly small Mac Computer, called the 'Mactini' with only one button on it's keypad. The video is pretty old, but worth revisiting again :D . Watch it:

Think about it, if say hypothetically this is true, what reason would make you buy the Mactini?

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Apple CEO Steve Jobs: Why Flash will not happen on the iPhone OS

Apple CEO Steve Jobs: Why Flash will not happen on the iPhone OS

Many critics have poured heaps of vile and vitriol on Apple when rumblings that they are resisting the use of Flash on their mobile iPhone OS system. For years now, the battle between Adobe and Apple raged on with Adobe playing the role of the 'good guy' and preaching to Apple to allow Flash to run on the iPhone OS, while Apple has stonewalled every single attempt, often not doing a great PR job of explaining why they don't allow Flash to run on their device.

Most critics branded Apple for being a megalomaniac hell bent on keeping third party content developers out of the iPhone OS platform, as Flash is commonly used in advertising. They say that by retaining control on exactly how the iPhone OS will perform, they are quashing creativity and unfairly banning the competition from having their technology fairly represented (Flash technology forms a core part of the Internet for many years now, from Flash videos found in Youtube to user-navigation systems of most websites).

Well, Steve Jobs finally came out with an open letter detailing his 'thoughts on Flash', but mostly goes on to defend Apple's action in disallowing Flash to run on their mobile operating system. And the arguments are surprisingly practical, if not convincing.

First, there is the problem of speed. Flash content, especially Flash video, relies on software to decode. The modern H.264 format is far more advantageous because most modern mobile devices, including the iPhone/Pod/Pad, come with a hardware chip dedicated to decoding H.264 format videos. Hardware decoding is far more efficient than using Flash video and thus can be very important especially in a power (both processing power and battery power) limited mobile devices. I have always believed this, but Steve Jobs claimed that a Flash video can only run for about 5 hours before the battery drains, while using H.264, 10+ hours of playback can be expected. This is certainly no trivial figure.

Second, Flash technology is designed around the PC, with many triggers for mouse roll-over and clicks. None of this is possible in a touch device such as the iPhone OS because there is no concept of mouse, hence most websites that rely on Flash for navigation has to be rewritten anyway. And Apple advocates that people move away from Flash and onto HTML5, which contains enough new instructions to emulate the smooth animations and menus reminiscent of Flash.

Steve Jobs goes on to detail a host of other flaws of Adobe/Flash, including security and the fact that by moving to Flash, it's just moving to a different closed system, this time controlled by Adobe instead of Apple.

Whatever the case, I believe that there is real reason why Apple continues to fight Adobe by now allowing Flash to run on their device. By motivating people to move away from Flash and onto HTML5 (which is a true open standard), Adobe is certainly more at risk here. Well, whatever the case, at least now you have heard both sides of the argument.

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